The Gut Centre
Your Enneagram style may be in the Gut, Body or Instinctual Centre – styles Eight, Nine and One. The gut center typically struggles with anger (whether they are repressed, expressed or suppressed). The One’s anger, often manifests as frequent irritations followed by flares of resentment. One’s also tend toward being self-critical, picky about their own thoughts and actions, hence feelings of anger, which they repress. Eights tend to express their anger outwardly and directly. Their anger which begins in the gut and moves up and outward, is stimulated by various events, such as injustice, weakness in others, or even someone taking ineffective control of a situation and if they sense someone is hiding the truth or keeping something away from them. The Nine’s anger, sometimes called “anger that went to sleep”, lies deep below the surface. The 9’s anger gets activated when they feel either ignored or forced to do something against their will, in which case, their anger may turn into passive-aggressive behaviour. Nines tend to avoid direct anger and conflict, preferring a feeling of rapport and comfort with others.