Arrow Movements Audio
Arrow Movements
The movements from number to number within the Enneagram are also peculiar and attention must be paid to these forward and backwards / against arrows and what they mean. The exploration of how these behaviours manifest in our lives will be explored later but for now, let’s just quickly understand how these movements function within the system.
Stress Points

Stress Points
Stress happens when demands and pressure are put on us either based on our own sense of duty or by duress from others like colleagues and bosses, family and friends. Our freedom is threatened and tension ensues. Let’s start with the Stress Points between Types 9, 6 & 3. Since we haven’t gone into understanding what each Type number means, perhaps at this point, you should just take note of the movements. These Stress points are sometimes called Points of Disintegration. It must be mentioned though, that stress can also bring out the best in us so it may not mean that these Stress points are always bad.
When Nines are stressed, they may demonstrate some of the qualities (thoughts, feelings and behaviors) of type six. When Sixes are stressed, they can demonstrate some Three traits, and when Threes are stressed, they may demonstrate thoughts and behaviors similar to those of Nines. Likewise, in the hexad which includes all the other numbers in the Enneagram, Ones who are stressed move to type 4 ( as in to display some type 4 qualities); and 4 move to 2, 2 to 8, 8 to 5, 5 to 7 and 7 to 1. (following the direction of the arrows)

Security Points

Security Points
Security happens when one is relaxed or feeling mentally and emotionally balanced. This is also called the Points of Integration or Growth. The points move opposite the arrows when the Types are in balance or relaxed. For the Inner Triangle, it is now reversed and 9s move to 3, 3s to 6s and 6s to 9. For the Inner hexad, the 1s move to 7 when relaxed, 7s move to 5, 5s move to 8, 8s to 2, 2s to 4 and 4s to 1. Do note that when one is relaxed, feeling complacent or too comfortable, they may not display their best behaviours, but may have the potential to show unhealthy or less developed traits of that type.

- Enneagram Practitioner Certification (Level 1)
- Enneagram Coach Certification (Level 2)
- Enneagram Advanced Practitioner Certification (Level 3)
- Masterful Selling with the Enneagram (WSQ)
- Effective Business Negotiation and Influence Using Psychological Tools (WSQ)
- Self-Mastery & Authentic Communication With The Enneagram