The Heart centre
Your Enneagram style may be in the Heart Centre – which involve styles Two, Three and Four. Individuals with these Heart Centre styles work hard to show a certain front or project a certain image, and they use their emotions as feelers to gather peoples’ perceptions about them and what might be the best way to respond. The heart center’s dominant negative fixation is on shame and fear of humiliation. Twos try to create an image of being likeable and you frequently can notice 2s smile a lot and give good eye-contact so as to connect fast and be comfortable with others. They look to others for affirmation of their self-worth. Threes do their best to project an image of success, and they hope to have the admiration of others for what they accomplish or are perceived to have accomplished. This is frequently done through the top brands they deck from top to toe, the cars they drive and pens they use, etc. As the most inwardly focused of the Heart Centre styles, Fours try to create an image of being different or special, and they choose to stand out from the rest by using their emotional sensitivity to defend against rejection. This defense mechanism will be discussed in a separate video.